Online Interaction Diagram - a diagram explaining our fundemental viewing of how a online community works.
We are in the beginning stages of our project. We were instructed to choice a real life activity. Our choice was "bowling."
We briefly considered the following attributes.
Physical boundaries (what's involved, place, weather requirements, etc.)- bowling alley location, played indoors
Participant needs (physical attributes, clothing, transportation, symbols of membership, etc.)- bowling shoes, bowling ball, socks, bowling shirts- symbol of membership + bowling record, people would need a car or public transportation, pens, lanes
Needs of the collective(relating objects, influence, gathering spaces, managers, facilitators, etc.)- "cosmos bowling"-glow in the dark (black light)-influence + socializing (fun for all ages), environment- a lot of stores or bars or other engaging activities around, managers, desk help, score keeper- electronic tally machines, tv projectors, music for entertainment, bowl teams- facilitators (win trophies),
We began researching the history of our activity and came across a few informative facts.
History of Bowling:
- prehistoric reference
- bowling started in England as early as 1100s
- first place every in USA played was NY Battery
- "bowling green" is a term still used to reference bowling in Manhattan
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